Our Arts Pathway is designed to provide access to valuable opportunities for learning through the arts—an avenue that is often compromised in communities where resources are strapped, but has the power to trigger true community transformation. Through our partner organizations we provide the resources our community craves and bring life-changing elective programs back into the schools within the square mile.

The arts develop essential skills: the ability to express yourself, to create, and to articulate your thoughts. Experience in the arts is crucial for personal development as well as future career and professional development and should be an opportunity available for all students to explore.

The arts are a part of human nature and provide a certain wholeness to people - that’s why this pathway is our passion.

Lauren Hantz, Hantz Foundation President

Experience & Exploration

The Art Pathway is comprised of several key programs created in collaboration with our partner organizations. Each program works to strengthen college and career-readiness skills and personal development.

Detroit Improv is an improvisational art program that develops public-speaking techniques, problem-solving, and strong communication skills. Through Improv, students learn to become adaptable and confident in any situation.

The Pewabic Arts program allows students to explore the art of ceramics through the support of the historic Pewabic education department. The program emphasizes hands-on learning and skill-development with a constant tie to history and humanities.

Our partnership with the world-renowned Detroit Institute of the Arts (DIA) museum provides a customized experience for both teachers and students, focusing on project-based opportunities, field trips, and professional development.

Through our strategy of the arts and partnership with local architectural firms, students participate in the annual Marx Moda “Day of Giving” to create handmade gifts for loved ones, teaching the value of creativity and giving back.